Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
At Trinity Pre-School we are efficient as a staff team in identifying children within our setting who have additional needs. We have a designated SENCO lead who is fully trained in being able to support these children with intervention strategies that are suited to differing individual needs. Our SENCO works closely with parents and external agencies to set up SEN and Behaviour plans and recognise when further action is needed to be taken as the children move forward to school. We also have a SENCO assistant who is currently undertaking the most up to date training and is supporting all SEN children in our setting to achieve their outcomes.
Trinity Pre-School SEN Local Offer
As part of the SEND reforms in September 2014 settings are now required to produce a Local Offer. These reforms are set out in the Children and Families Act 2014 and the new Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice:
Key principles of the Act are to focus on:
Improving participation of parents in their child’s SEN
Outcomes and improving progress for children with SEN
Integration of all agencies: A joint approach with education, health and social care are required to co-operate at local level to meet the children’s needs
Children will receive SEN support; a graduated approach to identifying and meeting SEN.
The Local authority responsibilities:
Health services MUST inform parents if a child under school age have a SEN or disability (through screening programmes and the healthy child two year old check
Produce an EHC assessment under compulsory school age when the special educational provision required to meet the child’s needs cannot be provided from the resources normally available to the provider (BCC)
Seek advice from the current provider when making any EHC plans
Offer families of children with an EHC plan a personal budget
Statements for children will now be called Education and Health care Assessments
Provide a Local Offer which informs parent, carers, young people with SEN or disabilities what education, health care and other services, such as transport or leisure are available in their area. This is not merely a directory.
As part of the Local Offer Trinity Pre-School will:
Provide a key person for a child, after suitable transition time. The child will be influential in the choice, where possible
Monitor and support children through observation and assessment, in line with the EYFS
Have a named SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) who will support children, staff and parents
Inform and discuss with parents if their child needs additional support
Hold regular staff meetings to discuss children’s needs and progress
Update any concerns about a child’s SEN monthly and review
Provide a training coordinator who works with the SENCO to provide suitable staff training
Contact other settings if a child attends other providers
Attend transition meetings with other settings i.e schools, other early years providers
If necessary, refer a child to the NHS speech and language team after suitable observation, assessment and IEPs
Refer a child to the inclusion team if they require additional support or need to apply for funding for a child
Take reasonable steps to adapt the provision for a child with disabilities/SEN and/or apply for additional support through funding
Provide articles on certain behaviours etc to support parents/carers
Contact/refer a parent/carer to our linked children’s centre for further support, classes or information.
Display any information about speech and language drop in sessions or relevant parent courses in the preschool reception area.
A child’s play is not simply a reproduction of what he has experienced, but a creative reworking of the impressions he has acquired
Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning